Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ctrl Alt Trek Episode 008 - Bouvi, Bouvi, Bouvi

A podcast about the MMORPG Star Trek: Online. Hosts Aprillian, Bouvi and Vrishna talk about the Beta. Bouvi, a Primo player, Aprillian, a dabbler and Vrishna, a Star Trek aficionado discuss the future of this exciting game. Should they play, will you play? Listen and see. A Bi-Weekly Podcast, that is currently being put out weekly.

Write us at ctrlalttrek@gmail.com

Bouvi (bouvitrek@gmail.com)
Here is something I found today to add to next show notes.

Baril@Rehpic answers some questions. Here are some big ones.

Sort by prices is currently being coded (Exchange)
Current plan is a free respec at every rank up
Everyone, even RA5 will get a free respec when the patch goes live.



Here is a cool video we might want to mention in the show. Pretty funny.


Big Blue Dragon
TheWych from Bind On Equip at http://bindonequip.com and Cable Wasteland which can be found at http://www.cablewasteland.com/ both are on iTunes.


Email#A from Chris

The reason Sci-fi changed is because you can't copyrite Sci-fi anywhere. I woould love a 10 trial to STO if you have anymore thanks. Love the show keep up the great job.

Email #B from Keelhaul

Greetings again Trekkers. I wanted to say thank you very much for the 10 day trial code you emailed me a couple of weeks back. Shortly after I received the code I went on an unexpected business trip and have been playing catch up ever since.

I should have time to give the trial a try this comming weekend and will definitely email back my thoughts.

Thank you all very much for the great podcast. I'm not sure how you find time to work podcasting into your hectic schedules, but there are a lot of ctrl-alt-fans that are happy you do.


Check out this podcast on iTunes:


Sent from my iPod

Email #C from PhantomOfTheMMO

Hi there!
I recently reviewed your podcast on iTunes under my most common online name; PhantomOfTheMMO.

I would love to guest host on your podcast while Bouvi is away. I have been playing MMOs since Meridian 59, pretty much since they began. Before that I played a lot of Muds and Door Games on various BBSs since I was myself a SysOp of a very popular Elite BBS throughout the 80s and early 90s until the internet hit.

I have done writing for various gaming websites and networks, a lot of that on the MMO genre. I am also a recovering Trekker. I used to make my living at Trek and other Sci Fi cons selling self created Props and makeup appliances, most of which were Klingon, and all of which were Star Trek related. I also provided security at Cons in full Klingon costume. I also co-managed IGN's SWG Vault, until I was asked to leave upon breaking the story of the NGE, which you may or may not know destroyed one of the greatest Sci Fi Sandbox MMOs in history.

I have been listening to every STO podcast and streaming audio station I can find. I have been contemplating doing my own Podcast or perhaps a show for SubSpace Radio, but I just don't have the time and tools yet. My second thought was doing a few quick segments that I could send to other STO Podcasts or Streaming Radio stations to use as they see fit. To be able to sit in with your team for a show or two would satisfy my desire to create some fan based STO content of my own.

I also have run (before podcasts) streaming radio shows and a streaming radio network way back in the days when Shoutcast was brand new and the biggest shows on air were locked at a few thousand listeners.

I'm not sure exactly where I would fit in, but I have a Ton of MMO experience, Sci Fi and Trek experience, and I think I have a handle on how the diffferent factions of players are feeling right now in STO.
I see myself being able to add greatly to discussions about not only what is in game now, but what Could be in game in the future. I also have a lot of ideas concerning the how and why of additions to STO... that Aren't WoW based. =)

So give me a shot! If you are at least considering it at the end of this email I can always dig out my mic and send you an audio test file, OR I can call and talk to you guys via Skype.

Would love to join you guys for a show or two, let me know.... I would be most excited!


I would Love one of those Del Taco Shuttle codes!
If you /roll to give another one away, add me in! There are no Del taco locations anywhere near where I live in Santa Barbara, California, and due to some current physical limitations I cannot travel far enough to reach one (several hours away by car).


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